KKC clubs

Robotics is a competitive robotics programme where students are challenged to design and build robots to achieve specific tasks. It is all about involvement, learning, teamwork and problem solving.

kit robot

What does the robot have to do?

Each year there is a different challenge. This year’s challenge is called Roundup and requires your robot to pick up plastic rings and deposit them on goalposts. The idea is to “own” goalposts by having more of your rings on them than the opposition, to own as many goalposts as possible, and score as many rings in total as possible. Part of the strategy is scoring the opposition’s rings, and if possible placing them out of reach. All of this happens in a series of fast paced matches lasting only two minutes.

All of this involves not only building a robot from metal, gears and motors, but also programming it with control instructions and learning to drive it accurately by remote control.